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18 Mar 2011

The red shoes

The Red Shoes (1948) is a British feature film about a ballet dancer, written, directed and produced by the team of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, known collectively as The Archers. The movie employs the story
within a story device, being about a young ballerina who joins an established ballet company and becomes the lead dancer in a new ballet called The Red Shoes, itself based on the fairy tale "The Red Shoes" by Hans Christian Andersen. The film stars Moira ShearerAnton Walbrook and Marius Goring and features Robert HelpmannLéonide Massine and Ludmilla Tchérina, renowned dancers from the ballet world, as well as Esmond Knight and Albert Basserman. It has original music by Brian Easdale and cinematography by Jack Cardiff, and is well regarded for its creative use of Technicolor. Filmmakers such as Brian DePalma and Martin Scorsese have named it one of their all time favourite films.

This is a fine example of beautiful 1940's hair.
The hair has been set to perfection with a middle part that softly flows back from the hair line in waves into two rolls. The hair has not been hair sprayed down, limiting movement, but set over night in pin curls. If this has been achieved properly the use of lacquer is not required.
The cut of the hair would also compliment the style, with layers around the face to encourage that angle of the curl.
Mostly, the colour of her hair works a treat, its bold and striking and bring out all the shapes in the hair.
Her stage make up is really strong but it demonstrates its success under all the various lighting in the film.

I loved it!!

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